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Women's Shelter-Santa Monica

I donated shampoos and other cleaning products to a women's shelter so they can be cleaned and have the basic items to stay clean . I learned the basics of not taking things for granted and appreciate the opportunities I have presented to me. I didn't think I would learn from women that were in need, but I did.

Service Learning Project

How did you prepare for this project? Explain.


    Well since we did it during senior year, we were more prepared than ever. We had a lot more to show students and even parents if we didn’t have an opportunity to teach a student. So I prepared by getting ready to answer any questions that I always get with technology, like “how does this work?” or “Why do we need this?”, those are the most common sayings most people mention to us, and we just prepared ourselves by reviewing most of our common knowledge of technology.


How was your experience before, during, and after this project? From beginning to end.


    Before this I felt like everyone knew about how technology works, and the basics of it, but when I was teaching someone of how to make a game, and how it works, they seemed confused and it seemed like I was speaking a language they didn’t know. I had to explain every single step, which wasn’t bad but since it was so easy for me because I’ve worked with technology so much it was easy to explain, but for someone that just started to know about coding and how to make a game, it seems that it is harder to process the information so fast. After the project I felt like I needed a lot more time to teach someone, you can’t really learn everything in 1 day of teaching, and it is really difficult to explain certain things to people.


What did you learn? How do you better understand working and teaching others? Explain.


   I learned that I probably took teachers for granted, It isn’t easy to teach. I also learned that most people still don’t have the basic knowledge of computers, I understand because maybe some parents believe technology is bad and it will corrupt kids minds, but eventually people need to know that we aren’t gonna stay in the pencil and paper world for long, kids and parents need to at least know some stuff of how computers work. Working with people wasn’t my favorite because it seems like a nuisance, but know I understand it is a requirement to teach someone something eventually, I also like teaching others because it made me feel good because you are passing some sort of knowledge to someone that was just like you once, and it makes you feel older and like a wizard or something.


What was easy, hard, explain why?


   Well the easy part of teaching because it just comes naturally since I have been learning about technology for most of my life, so I could easily tell them what it’s about and how computer coding works, but the hard part for me was if they were really understanding the stuff I was talking about, because it is difficult to explain something so complicated to someone that has no knowledge of it. It is just like teaching someone pre calculus to a 5th grader. They need to get used to math and the numbers, that is just like with computers, you need classes and experience to understand something that may seem like calculus. So it was very difficult explaining some of the coding and how it works.


How that this project benefits our community? Explain.


   It benefits our community because with the rapid growth of computers and technology, it seems that every job relies on computers and how to use them. Every job seems that you need to use a computer to finish a job assignment, from health to even making food. So when we did this project I believe that I wasn’t just teaching them how to make a game or how to code something, I was teaching them how to use the basic functions of a computer which is a really good start of working with a computer.

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